Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello World

Yeah a new blog entering the world to join the bazillion other blogs out.  These are just my thoughts and observations.  For the three of you who will read this I hope you enjoy them.   Lets get a few things out of the way. 

Obligitory picture of my son.
Obligatory Picture of food. 

Ok that's out of the way.   I make no guarantee that you won't see food and kid pics in the future, but hopefully this gets it out of my system for a while.

As you can tell from the title I'm a photographer.  Well a bad photographer at least.   Today I am a bad photographer,  yesterday I was worse photographer, tomorrow I will be a better photographer.    As long as I am a bad photographer I will be driven to improve my skills.    The day I stop striving to improve my skills is the day I stop being a photographer good or bad.  

Anyway, my name is Grover and welcome to my blog.